Leading consumer products companiesSurface Transport & Logistics

For one leading pharmaceutical laboratory, success and double-digit sales growth came with a cost: an overburdened supply chain that threatened to reduce market share.

The effort vastly improved the company’s planning and execution functions, they knew that in order to succeed in this era of technology their accounting systems needed to be much more robust than what they are. They turned to WP consulting to improve their accounting systems.


The biggest challenge was that Arguzo was not utilizing technology properly. Too much of the work was still being recorded manually, which meant that the numbers took a long time to note down and then to be analyzed. Live data was also not available and decisions can only be made after all the required data and been received. This was holding Arguzo back; they knew they could corner more of the market if they had the ability to be more mobile. The work addressed three critical issues for Pharm Ltd.:

  • Improve sales and operations and production planning:
    The teams focused their efforts on a few of the highest-value S&OP levers in order to review the current planning process, identify gaps in the planning infrastructure and analytically understand demand and supply variability.
  • Determine the right inventory level:
    With hundreds of medications in the market, Pharm Ltd. needed a proper method to predict and manage their inventory. Using a mean absolute percentage analysis (MAPE), the teams defined appropriate levels for raw materials and finished products by mapping actual versus forecasted sales on the most important SKUs.
  • Optimize the supply chain for perfect order planning:
    The diagnostic determined the stressors that affected sales and service levels. The teams focused on resolving issues related to higher-than-normal back-orders and lead times, which stressed the entire supply chain and led to delays in medications reaching consumers.


The solution WP consulting came up with combined cutting edge technology with real world practicality. Everyone knew that the systems had to be updated, the real challenge was updating them without disrupting the whole organization in a negative way. The solution was to introduce proper workload management done through computers, while providing mobile platforms to the stakeholders.

This allowed the workers to be involved in the job instead of feeling like they had been made redundant by technology.


Arguzo employees are now more empowered; Arguzo also has the benefit of generating reports instantaneously whenever needed. They can now make decisions on the fly based on the latest real time data.

The effort vastly improved the company’s planning and execution functions, created and implemented a new stock policy that accounted for specific SKUs and key variables, streamlined the order preparation process and reduced distribution transport times.

By the numbers, the effort:

  • Reduced lead time by 43%
  • Decreased variability by 50%
  • Lowered the risk of back-order by 95%
  • Increased stock for finished goods by 10%
  • One
  • Two

Iorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nisl turpis, tempus nec egestas ac, molestie vel eros. Vestibulum convallis tincidunt tempus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut dui libero, bibendum vel risus in, tincidunt accumsan felis. Mauris ullamcorper est posuere hendrerit consectetur. Donec iaculis tincidunt enim, sit amet maximus justo. Fusce sollicitudin, justo a bibendum mollis, ipsum nisi porta orci, sit amet lobortis ex nisl quis enim. Pellentesque consequat feugiat sem quis dictum. Mauris blandit, mi convallis tincidunt imperdiet, eros mi fermentum lacus, at sodales nibh urna quis purus. Aenean eleifend tincidunt eros, in tempus diam facilisis in. Suspendisse congue metus non mi efficitur, id faucibus nulla facilisis. Donec et efficitur purus. Phasellus et neque ac lacus sagittis bibendum.

Dused pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor ucnibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo.

Nunc pulvinar consectetur nisi, in eleifend odio euismod ac. Cras egestas nibh sit amet mi pellentesque vestibulum. Aliquam porta, orci eget dignissim cursus, ex risus consectetur risus, eu tempus metus sapien ut eros. Donec sit amet lorem nisi. Curabitur non massa tincidunt, maximus arcu id, condimentum mauris. Curabitur faucibus magna sed vulputate iaculis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras quis condimentum justo. Etiam auctor ante ante. Curabitur facilisis, dui quis sollicitudin dapibus, felis massa gravida nunc, bibendum pellentesque odio purus consequat libero.

Vestibulum id maximus ex. Maecenas rhoncus efficitur magna, nec aliquam risus interdum ac. Vestibulum ornare justo lectus, non ornare justo sodales at. Phasellus eu purus convallis, ornare erat ac, sodales neque. Pellentesque consectetur posuere neque, id mattis justo. Nam pellentesque mauris at leo venenatis aliquet. Pellentesque egestas eros enim, non varius libero imperdiet eu. Vivamus eleifend dictum volutpat. Vestibulum quis mollis turpis. In purus magna, sodales in elit efficitur, molestie fringilla sem. Donec quis cursus eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum interdum pellentesque purus, ut vulputate libero. Duis ultricies molestie ipsum et mollis. Etiam lectus erat, laoreet porta gravida ac, blandit eu mauris.

  • Maecenas tempus luctus purus, et malesuada mauris convallis in.
  • Nam tempor consequat sapien, id rhoncus mauris porttitor eget.
  • Suspendisse vehicula aliquet enim, a lobortis dolor cursus vel.
  • Praesent pellentesque vestibulum finibus. Mauris finibus tincidunt ligula eu sollicitudin.
  • Integer efficitur vehicula nibh, in fringilla velit mollis eu.
  • Morbi eget leo in dui ultrices aliquet. Suspendisse at auctor ligula.
  • Curabitur ornare posuere fringilla. Sed sagittis a sem nec lobortis.

Pellentesque nec tempus tellus. Vivamus dictum gravida ante. Cras vel dolor ornare, aliquet libero et, faucibus ipsum. Nullam ac vehicula ante, vel laoreet mauris. Donec eget sapien urna. Cras feugiat luctus felis, et tristique lacus pulvinar in. Pellentesque nec volutpat lectus, ut iaculis purus. Praesent molestie odio eu mauris fermentum, in facilisis lacus malesuada. Etiam cursus, nunc id auctor vulputate, velit velit accumsan diam, eget laoreet metus quam at lorem. Nam sagittis tempor nulla quis pulvinar. Aenean vel molestie metus. Maecenas enim dui, molestie et dictum ac, posuere nec lectus.

  1. Phasellus condimentum sapien feugiat tempor dignissim.
  2. Vestibulum bibendum dapibus efficitur.
  3. Ut condimentum dui sed tellus aliquet ultrices.
  4. Ut rutrum mattis venenatis.
  5. Nulla nec leo auctor, luctus orci sit amet, placerat enim.
  6. Aliquam tempor interdum diam.
  7. Sed pretium sem in urna iaculis pharetra.

Pellentesque nec tempus tellus. Vivamus dictum gravida ante. Cras vel dolor ornare, aliquet libero et, faucibus ipsum. Nullam ac vehicula ante, vel laoreet mauris. Donec eget sapien urna. Cras feugiat luctus felis, et tristique lacus pulvinar in. Pellentesque nec volutpat lectus, ut iaculis purus. Praesent molestie odio eu mauris fermentum, in facilisis lacus malesuada. Etiam cursus, nunc id auctor vulputate, velit velit accumsan diam, eget laoreet metus quam at lorem. Nam sagittis tempor nulla quis pulvinar. Aenean vel molestie metus. Maecenas enim dui, molestie et dictum ac, posuere nec lectus.

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